Degrees course offered Master of Business Administration ( M.B.A.)
Bachelor of Business Administration ( B.B.A.)
PG Course Duration 2 years
UG Course Duration 3 years
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi
PG Intake 60
UG Intake 120

D.Y. Patil Education Society (Deemed to be University) Kolhapur, School of Engineering and Management has been established in the year 2023 with the motto to impart quality education in the field of Engineering and Management. School of Engineering and Management offers M.B.A. with six Specializations.

  1. HR Management
  2. Finance Management
  3. Marketing Management
  4. IT & System Management
  5. Business Analytics
  6. International Business

Out of these specialization a student can opt any two and get a dual specialization degree. The department has well equipped lab and library, the faculties of this department are highly qualified, competent, committed with innate passion to excel in academic area. Bright academic results, general discipline, campus placement, industry institute interaction, extracurricular activities, research are the major hallmarks to enhance and sustain the quality of management education.


To emerge as one of the aspiring business schools in south Maharashtra providing quality management education and foundation for life transformation.


  • To provide relevant and contemporary knowledge and skills for career building across sectors in the society.
  • To provide an enabling and learning environment with the right blend of values and transformation skills.
  • To equip students with entrepreneurial, innovative and global mindset, relevant across functions, industries and different sections of society.
  • To sensitize students of the challenges of the globe-social, environmental, ethical dimensions and to prepare them for creating sustainability on earth.

We at DYPSEM provide high-end management education and have assembled mix of academicians and industry professionals for theoretical as well as practical wisdom. This coupled with innovative teaching methods like the case study method, mind-mapping, Audio-Visual, Quality circles, open book assignment, E-learning etc. we strive to inculcate into students an attitude of life-long learning that is critical in the era of globalization.

The conventions of Management are becoming dynamic in the current scenario with paradigm shifts in the field of Information Technology. In response to the same the MBA course at

DYPSEM entail continuous evolution of the curriculum both in terms of conceptual up gradation and timely introduction of skill-based course. Further in these times, getting the right kind of talent and its retention is indeed a challenging task for firms in respective industries.

A dedicated training and Placement team and Corporate relation cell at DYPSEM helps in Training and Placements, due to which everyone gets an opportunity to participate in Placement Process

To develop entrepreneurship among the students we have dedicated Entrepreneurship Development Cell. The institute has good infrastructure, Wi-Fi on the campus, well-equipped labs, and library.

I assure that your two years journey in DYPSEM MBA for the professional course in management would be adding a different dimension to your life and provide distinctive edge over the other management graduates.

Contact for Admission :

Mrs. Asawari G. Yadav 8237577711
Dr. Mrs. Snehal S. Shinde 9011049446

Name of Faculty: Mrs. Asawari Ganeshprasad Yadav
Designation: HoD, Assistant Professor
Qualification : BCom, MBA, PG. D T&T, Ph.D.*
Experience : 14 Years
Specialization : Marketing & Finance
Research : Google Scholar, ORCID, Research Gate

Name of Faculty: Dr. Snehal Shinde
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification : LLM, MBA, Ph.D (Law), Ph.D (Management), PG Dip. in Counselling
Experience : 15 years
Research : Google Scholar, ORCID, Research Gate

Name of Faculty: Mrs. Renuka Turmbekar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : MBA – Marketing & HRM MPhil, Perusing PhD
Experience : 19 Years
Specialization : Marketing HRM

Name of Faculty: Mr. Venkatesh Yashwant Badave
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : B. Com, M.B. A., M. Com.
Experience : 15 Years
Specialization : Finance & H. R.

Name of Faculty: Mr. Rohit Ravindra Landge
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : BE(Textile), MBA(Operations & Marketing) M. Phill (Business Management) P.h.D( Business Management) Pursuing
Experience : 13 Years ( Teaching) +1 (Industrial)
Specialization : Operations & Marketing

Name of Faculty: Mr. Aniket Suresh Pardeshi
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : MBA (Finance and Marketing)
Experience : 10 Years
Specialization : Finance & Marketing

Name of Faculty: Dr. Purushottam Arvind Petare
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification : PhD, MBA, M.COM,, GDC&A, NET in Management, SET in Commerce
Experience : 15 Years
Specialization : Commerce and Management, Finance and Information Technology

Name of Faculty: Mrs. Arpita AmodBidnurkar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : BBA, MBA(HR-MARKETING), M.A.(ECONOMICS), Ph. D. Pursuing
Experience : 4 years Industry, 8 years Academic
Specialization : Economics, HR, General Management, IKS