Parents Meet AY 2023-24, Sem-II
Date: - 16th May 2024
Industrial Visits
Warana Dairy and Agro Industries Ltd
Date:- 2nd September 2023.
The industrial visit to Warana Dairy and Agro Industries Ltd. was arranged for 56 MBA first year students accompanied by 2 teachers. The core purpose of the visit was to offer the students industry knowledge to narrow the gap between the classroom concepts and practical industry working.
Compserv Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Date:- 15h May 2024.
On Wednesday, May 15h, 2024, the MCA students visited Compserve Consultants Pvt. Litd. The visit provided an insightful look into the company’s operations and services. Students toured various departments, including software development, IT support, and Business consulting. They observed the employees at work and learned about data security, cloud computing and big data analytics. The visit concluded with a Q & A session where employees shared their experiences and offered career advice to students